


Etsy Updates

Now that I have a break from school for a bit, I hope to get my shop updated again!


Christmas Time

Christmas time already??? Where has 2008 gone?


Sweet Dreams

, originally uploaded by inspiringdecor.

I would love to design a house with a bed like this built in some day.


Oh Cupcake!

My newest edition to my cupcake collection. I could own a million journals and never get bored with them. Getting a new one is always so exciting. I am also loving these new Sharpie pens they came out with. Good stuff!


October is Breast Cancer Awareness!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Share the pink. <3


Pumpkin Patch

Come check out the pumpkin patch on my Etsy and get your hands on one of these cuties before they are all gone! A great little decoration to spread Autumn cheer. Since they aren't Halloween colored, you can leave these out all season! Happy Fall!


Snap Shots of the City

A fun day in the city.

Love the landscape.

A passing moment.

*The magnificent mile*


Learning to Render

The design class I am in this semseter, is all about learning to render designs in color. Yep, I have a class in coloring. I must say, it's not as easy as you'd think...even with these fancy markers.

We render using prisma color markers, which have the reputation as the best in the business. You have never experienced coloring, till you color with Prisma Markers. The blending, the shading...you just have to try it.

Practicing flooring techniques in my sketchbook.

A flooring project I have to turn in today. Three types of wood flooring.

Three types of tile. The goal was to make the right look like the picture on the left. I am happiest with how the tile turned out. Especially the middle one.


Have a creative day!



"You cannot create a life greater than what you believe you deserve."


Fall Is Coming...

Summer is sadly coming to an end...I love fall though. It is definitely my favorite time of year. Snapshots from a craft show in Plymouth, Indiana this past weekend.


Back to the Books

explore literature, originally uploaded by Lindsey Wagner.

Classes start today. No more summer time freedom.


Your Words...

I've been blogging for a few days over 8 months. Time goes fast, does it not? I love to think up fun things to write about but am really saddened by the fact that only one person has ever commented on my blog. Does this mean nobody reads it? Your words are important to me...


Living wtih the Past

What happened to selling silver plated combs and mirrors?

Love this glass bottle of powder! How can we even compare the plastic bottles on store shelves today next to this precious little glass jars. Such love in the details.

A little metal tin of powder... why can't we buy things like this today? Instead we get big plastic green or blue cases. It's just not the same. Love the past.


Finding Balance

Doesn't it always seem that balance is such a hard thing to find in life? As the start of school approaches and lifestyles pick up, I hope that a balance will be maintained. Too often the extras are pushed from our life to make way for more "important and pressing" matters. Here's to fall and finding a balance of work and play.


Shop Update!

Some pretty new items recently added to my shop. Check them out here:




Just wanted to take a few shots to show you what has been happening around here. A new bulletin board now holds all my finished jewelry just waiting to be shipped to a new home. Check out my Etsy shop to see those pieces up close!!

My newest bracelet, just waiting for a clasp to finish it.

Beautifully inspiring vintage religious metals.

Been trying to learn to solder lately. My first three attempts. The hardest part is adding the loop at the top. So much fun though!

Today is just about creating. Haven't had a day like this in a long time...


I believe in looking at the positive side of things. In living a good life. I believe in old vintage bikes with flowers and seeing two people truly in love. I believe in keep random journals and the power of inspiration. I believe in not reading history, and instead living for the future. I believe in re-creating, re-discovering, & re-loving. I believe in making your own path. I believe when doors close, windows open. I believe in doing things that scare you. I believe in love and the power of kindness. I believe in remembering, recording, & never forgetting. The importance of thank you's and the value of kisses. I believe in second chances, but never looking back. I believe in the power of never losing hope. I believe that opportunity is everywhere. I believe it's possible to miss some one so much it hurts, long distance love, and handwritten letters. I believe in the power of looking forward & holding on. I believe in happy endings.
I believe that life is good.


Thoughts for the Day..

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


God Bless America

Happy 4th of July from Nashville, Indiana. We took a little trip to visit the shops and smell the pretty flowers. Surprisingly not much a crowd today and many of the shops are for rent and sitting empty. I still managed to capture some fun snap shots.

LOVE old bikes with flowers!

Hope you are having a wonderful and safe weekend. America is 232 years old today!