
{my favorite}


{i see you}

wyatt playing in the snow castle set up at the ski resort



{the great ski adventure}

the great ski adventure
was going great
till i got going too fast
and crashed, but at least it was captured, my biggest fall yet
and in the last picture, here comes the rescue guy
which pretended like he was checking on me, but really just yelled at me instead

{snowman in the making}

the making of one giant snowman
now all it needs is a face


we learned about avalanch safety at a ice cream shop
the owner knew a lot
we fired our packs to make sure they worked
i wasnt expecting have to do that
and we had been skiing all day & i had the worst headache
but it was still pretty cool


{winter wonderland}

the snow on the streets just looks prettier here

{geared up & ready to go}

{we love pie}

wyatt insisted he had never had pie before
and he definitely wanted to eat whatever tommy was eating
needless to say, he loved it


time to bake!

santa will be here before we know it
aren't these sugar cookies cute?
wouldn't care to eat them, but fun to photograph!


{sorry for the silence}

sorry for the silence around here folks
this little (BIG) project of mine has been consuming my every thought lately
thought you'd like to see the finished product.
hopefully soon i will be finished with this semester and be back to posting fun pictures regularly
as for this project above, its the design of a corporate office space
i chose the company Fossil
happy wednesday!


"the human spirit needs places where nature
has not been rearranged by the hands of man"

searching for some peace in this stressful & hectic time of the semester.
counting down.


{down on the farm}

Spent thanksgiving at my aunt's house.
and being the huge animal lover that i am, naturally i wanted to go out to the barn. ha
in reality i do love sheep, but not like real ones, just cuddly soft stuffed ones.
anyhow i held a baby lamb, the mom wasn't very happy, but i didn't hurt it or anything
(they were more scared of me than i was of them)
it was kind of a fun new experience.
the babies were really cute bouncing around with lots of energy (that i wish i had right now)
hope you enjoyed the holiday with your family!



5 things i'm thankful for this thanksgiving

1. family {both mine & the boy's}
2. all of the wonderful feedback/interest i've received lately on my photography :-)
3. knowing this is the last thanksgiving i will be worring about finals/semester projects
4. finally making a facebook fan page and having people "become my fan"
5. graduation in may {yeah i'm so excited, i'm thankful for it twice}

happy turkey day!


{christmas is coming}

christmas is coming.
not sure i'm ready for the holdiays
but i did get this cute little ornament at crate & barrel
just couldn't pass him up. too cute.


{the onken family}

had a great time taking this family's christmas photos.
don't mind the messy spacing, blogger can be very frustrating!


finally updated my shop with this flower. {made by my mom.}


sorry for the silence
been so busy around here, haven't had time to upload any of the pictures i've taken recently
hoping to maybe catch up this weekend..but really isn't that what i say every weekend
and there's another test on monday..so probably not.

fall is dissapearing right before our eyes.
i do not like the idea of winter coming soon.

i do enjoy this picture from our last camping trip. the sign look so vintage.
love smokey the bear



oh how i wish i could paint well
i took a class in highschool
its sooooo much harder than it looks
i think this is so lovely
found here


{fall break}

pictures from brown county state park


{long live summer}

bright colors of the jacksonhole, wy fair
(yes i'm just now getting around to editing some pictures from vacation...)


{21 before 22 update}

completed 14 of my 21 items before i turned 22.

of course the hardest things are left.

working on creating a new list, but my list of things to do right now is quite long

time keeps slipping by. i suppose that's how its going to be from now on though.

so many of these things would not have been completed if not for the boy

it was a fun year, and i didn't even start this in october last time

so i look forward to starting a new list and getting a full year to complete it

its better than new year resolutions.