
{feels good}

it feels good when..

going the extra mile really does make a difference...
writing 10 drafts of a paper makes it better (and hopefully gets you the A)
hard work plays off...
you do something nice for someone without them even realizing you did...
you get out of the habit of taking naps...
you complete a long week.

the necklace in the above picture is from fossil. i love bird related things right now.


a little bit of whimsy
created from bits and pieces of paper found here and there
sewn on netting for strength
it would be great for a paper or to hang in a child's bedroom
"green" because its made from recycled papers
lots of textures & color


{elephant parade}

a couple of these elephants hit the shop this weekend.
inspired by a necklace from american eagle,
i always like to make it myself instead of buy it
kind of a challenge to see if i can make something i like
just as much as something i'm tempted to buy

each one is a little different
uniquely special
my favorite part are the little elephants
check them out!




{pretty things}

found in my room.
pretty things.


in love with making flowers lately
from fabric or paper
this cards perfect for a wedding or shower
blank on the inside so you can use it for many occasions.
find it here.


{pass the popcorn}

went to the movies this weekend.
i love to watch movies, not so much tv, just movies
but i never go to the theaters for 2 reasons
1. i like my couch and being home snuggled up under covers.
2. it costs an arm and a leg..about$28 for 2 people, an afternoon show, 1 popcorn, & 2 drinks. ridiculous.
but anyways, the movie was great.
sad, i cried, at several parts.
but i highly recommend it.
(please note i love anything with a love story so it's kinda a given i'm gonna love it)


spring break has come & gone

{picture from Indianapolis Museum of Art}

spring break has to come to an end eventually unfortunately...
even though i didn't go anywhere fabulous, it will still a good time.

here's a recap of the week:

long lost best friend allison came to visit.
dinner with a boy.
bike rides in nice warm weather.
a little bit of working.
a lot of card making & scrapbooking.
a little bit of blog re-designing...check out the new "pages" at the top. pretty cool.
re-arranging my room (these are the things i think about when I can't sleep at night)
some shopping.
a trip to indy to the art museum.
meeting Gary & Leah from mtv's "teen mom" and me saying to him "hey, you're on tv"
some yummy cheesecake.

the good news is, school always seems to faster after spring break is over.
warmer weather, and i think the population of purdue triples when the weather is nice.
i like it better when more people are out, the energy is infectious.

happy spring.


{21 things}

this is suppose to be done at your birthday
but its not my birthday so...
I will just have 1/2 the time to do these things.
May 1st is my half birthday..



shoes: target

earrings: forever 21

necklace: my own creation

pin: thrifted

feather: urban outfitters

eiffel tower: thrifted


hello inspiration.

picture sources on my flickr favorites.


what a mess.
this is what my brain feels right now.
you can tell next week is midterms/project deadlines.
good news is that means spring break is near.

on a more positive note..
updated the blog inspiration links on the right side.
so many good blogs i've been finding lately...


so much truth to this right now.