1. google reader- it's going to change my life. seriously. it's a little overwhelming really. i read a lot of blogs.
2. having 4 jobs - no not really that cool, but busy.
3. finding a charm you really have been looking everywhere for and finding it on the clearance pile at michael's. awesome.
4. surprises.
5. not having to come home at night & do homework.
6. the movie - the blind side - i know everyone else watched it when it came out but i just saw it & sandra bullock is pretty much my hero - (in that movie anyways)
7. driving my mom crazy by saying "anyways" instead of "anyway"
8. picking fresh peonies.
9. doing things for others when they don't expect it.
10. feeling pretty today.
11. rain & gloom a million days in a row...no that's the opposite of awesome.
12. setting goals to achieve dreams.
13. free underwear - enough said.
14. german chocolate cake.
15. you reading this post.
have a lovely day.