
{coming up}

hold onto your hats kids, because coming up i will have my very first tutorial!
it is almost my 200th blog post.. so clearly we need to celebrate.
i started this little blog of mine in 2007! I can't believe it.
and to be honest, at times it was clearly neglected. hence just now getting to the 200 post mark.
BUT times have been changing and I have been much more consistent now. yay me.

i have been doing a lot of digging through the archives on my computer and boy has my photography changed and developed. yay. it's almost embarrassing.
so i have been clearing out and refreshing my 90% full mac.
deleting the old and embracing the new.
the boy says i'm deleting memories but ya know, i don't feel that way.
i'm just making room for new. :)
actually i'm just trying to find examples to use for my portfolio so hopefully i can find a job soon.

but anyhoo, soon there will be a tutorial on how to make that snazzy little bracelet above!
so stay tuned
& have a good weekend! yay friday i love you.


{daily inspiration}



announcing my NEW WEBSITE!
so excited to announce it's live.
check it out here


{weekend in pictures}

love the idea of recording what i did on the weekends (or weeks) in pictures
kind of a spin off of 'project life'
this weekend: diving meet. babysitting. games. playmobile pirates. scrabble.


{this week}

i don't have much to blog about this week.
i'm really busy thinking about resumes, portfolios, houses, graduation, jobs, futures...
i asked the boy what to blog about and he suggested himself
i always blog about you i say, and he just grins. i guess he likes it. i didnt even know he read it.
i'm still not convinced he does.
i did however make a scrapbook page this week.

in july we rode our bikes to the bend in the road where the little old lady plants wildflowers
it was a fun time, so in january i decided to scrapbook about it.
actually because i got a new scrapbook magazine and those are the pictures i had printed and laying out. it makes me miss warm weather. i would have had pictures sooner, but its dark when i get home. and i don't like using the flash. so there's my excuse.

i keep forgetting my hat. plus it messes up my hair. and we have both been sick. i wonder why. my ears are always cold. the boy offers me his hat but its a boy hat and i don't want to look like a boy.

look i had plenty to blog about all along. happy weekend!



one of my new favorite websites is pinterest
it's like a giant virtual inspiration board
you find pictures you like and post them to your own boards so you can look at them later for inspiration... or at least that's what i do

the only down side to this wonderful place is that you have to sign up for an invitation to be invited to join... but it didn't take that long - maybe a week?

looks like mine are mostly interior spaces - guess my house is going to have a lot of white in it!
happy pinning!


{happy birthday boy}

happy birthday to the boy who turns 23 today
who doesn't even care about birthdays or presents
who deosn't like getting older (even though he's still really young)
my mountain man
the bravest, most laid back, confident boy i know (next to my dad)
i adore you so
& in addition to his birthday, its the 9th month we've dated. pretty nifty right.
we celebrated at outback last night where we ate too much bread and barely any of our entrées
so we will celebrate at lunch again with the left overs .. ha ha

happy weekend & happy birthday!


{coming soon}

i'm working on a website.
a real live photography website
so excited about this next big step
it's something i've wanted to do for a long time
i can't wait to show you!

but for now be sure to check out all the ways you can follow me online!
happy wednesday!

p.s. do you like my new blog header?? I do.


right now...

right now...

Recovering: from a very long 23 hours in the car

unpacking & settling back in. its good to be home.

starting a new (& last semester) of college

finding a new routine

figuring out how to avoid buying expensive textbooks

reading: taking flying by kelly rae roberts

watching: the bachelor seasons #42324


{time out}

one ornery little boy


our winter sledding adventures
of course the boys created a jump - its all about "big air" here {snowmobiles, bikes, sleds, etc}
the boy had to be extreme and get pulled by the snowmobile across the jump -
he did land just fine in that picture thankfully

on a side note- it never got about 0 degrees that day which is why i have 3 coats & 2 face masks on


{welcome 2011}

shots from our 70's dress up new year's eve party
welcome 2011


{winter wonderland}

At the top of Baldy Knoll


{go: 2011}

thinking about doing ali edward's one little word project for 2011.
my word is going to be 'go'
2011 promises to bring lots of changes.

go forward
go after

There are so many possibilities.